House Rules
Welcome To The Ronald McDonald House
Our House Rules
We would like to make your stay here as comfortable as possible. In order to achieve this, we would appreciate if you would note the following;
- The one thing all our families have in common is a sick child. Therefore, it is important that the atmosphere in the House is as calm as possible and we ask for your sensitivity towards others.
- Only the prime carer of the child and the carer’s immediate family may occupy a room. For fire regulations management must be informed of additional overnight guests. Visitors are welcome but only in communal areas (Max 4 Visitors per family at any one time). They must sign in & sign out in visitor’s book on reception. Access to bedrooms is restricted to residents.
- Families should be aware there may be occasions where information will need to be shared with a third party (e.g. hospital staff) in relation to their stay at the RONALD McDONALD HOUSE.
- Volunteers do most of the cleaning. Please help them by keeping your room and all communal rooms clean and tidy. Please leave your rubbish in the bins provided. All bags of rubbish should be disposed of in the black wheelie bins to the left of the back door. Under no circumstances should laundry be washed or dried in bedrooms. Laundry facilities are available and please familiarise yourself with standards expected.
- Kitchen Area
- Storage facilities are provided for your own Health & Safety. Any food left or stored elsewhere will be binned. Please leave the Kitchen area spotless after use.(This includes washing, drying & storing any delph / pots / pans you use). We endeavour to RECYCLE as much rubbish as possible. Please place rubbish in the correct recycling bins.
- Each room must clean the kitchen / dining area twice a month. Please see notice board for details & rota.
- All Children must be supervised at all times and in all areas. If an older sibling (18+) is minding the other siblings while parents are in the hospital this must be arranged with the Manager in charge before 8pm. Security are aware of this rule and will implement.
- Children are never allowed in the lift unaccompanied.
- The House staff leave at 8pm. Reception is attended by Security from 8pm to 8am each day. Lunch is 1.30pm to 2.00pm.
- Please do not take food or drink to your room
- Please advise a member of staff if anyone becomes ill while staying at the House. To comply with infection control procedures set out by OLCH, please be advised that should the sick child or a member of the family develop certain infections (Hospital responsible for naming these infections) while staying in the House, you will, unfortunately be asked to vacate the House. This is Hospital policy.
- There is no smoking/e-cigarettes allowed in the House. The fire alarm is very sensitive and any smoke will trigger it. Smoking is not permitted on the grounds – you must leave the premises of the house and hospital to smoke
- Alcohol and illegal substances are not allowed in the House. Anyone found in possession of these will be asked to leave IMMEDIATELY.
- The Management will routinely inspect your room and we reserve the right to enter your room at a reasonable hour for inspection or maintenance.
- We do not accept responsibility for damage or loss of personal property.
- We are fortunate enough to have a limited number of car parking spaces available on a first come first served basis. Please do not invite your visitors to use The House car park, as it is limited to one space per family on a first come basis.
- Accommodation Costs: €10 per night. Please pay your bill on a weekly basis.
- For those staying long-term, we understand you may be given permission to take your sick child home for a few days. A room may be vacated for a maximum of 2 nights. You will still be charged for these nights. If a room is vacated for over 2 nights, we will allocate your room to a new family. We always have a waiting list.
- Please return all cleaning equipment hoovers, cleaning products, mops etc after use.
- Your bedroom must be kept locked at all times. On a regular basis please give your bedroom and bathroom a thorough clean. Your bathroom will be cleaned once per week by one of our Housekeepers and/or a volunteer.
- Linen and towels have been provided for your use. We request that you launder these on a weekly basis.
- For Your Own Security
- Please remember to close all doors & gates behind you
- Do not let anyone you don’t know into The House
- Breast Milk Storage. As we do not have a backup generator, if there is a power cut, or fuse blows everything in freezer defrosts. Please only store breast milk short term & be aware it is stored at your own risk. It is the responsibility of the families to clearly label their own milk.
- A family may be asked to leave The House for a number of reasons such as:
- infection control (see above)
- disruptive behaviour,
- not using the room, or
- any breach of House Rules
- When vacating the room please: –
- Empty bin & dispose of Rubbish in Black wheelie bins.
- Strip beds, leaving the linen & towels in the laundry basket provided in order that the inventory check can be made.
- Empty your allocated fridge, freezer and drawer.
It is important that all our guests understand and abide by our House Rules. Breaches to the House Rules may result in you being asked to leave the House.